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Course Evaluation
Course Information
*Course Description:
*Course Number:
Course & Instructor Evaluation
*The course as a whole was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
The course content was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
The instructor`s contribution to the course was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
The instructor`s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Course Organization was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Clarity of instructor`s voice was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Explanations by instructor were:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Instructor`s use of examples and illustrations was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Quality of questions or problems raised by the instructor was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Student`s confidence in instructor`s knowledge was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Instructor`s enthusiasm was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Encouragement givin students to express themselves was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Answers to student questions were:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Availability of extra help when needed was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Use of class time was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Instructor`s interest in student`s progress was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Amount you learned was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Relavence of course content was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Grading techniques were:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Reasonableness of assigned work was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Clarity of student requirements was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Intellectual chalange was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
Student Participation
The amount of effort you put into this course was:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor 
On average, how many hours a week did you spend on this course (in and out of class)?
Under 2 2 - 6 7 - 11 12 - 14 15 - 19 20 or more 
What grade do you expect in this course?
A (3.5 - 4.0) B (2.5 - 3.4) C (1.5 - 2.4) D (0.7 - 1.4 F (0.0) 
This course is best described as:
In your Major
In your Minor
A distribution requirement
A program requirement
An Elective
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