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What's New Blog

2023-08-14 - Two Factor Authentication
What: An extra layer of security is now available with our new `Two Factor Authentication`.
Why: In addition to entering the correct userid and password during login (factor 1), you will be prompted to enter a special (randomly generated) security code we send to you via email or sms (factor 2).
How: Click the User Accounts tab located on the menu bar. Next, check the `Enhanced Security Mode ` at the bottom of the page. Then, select a `Send sms` or `Send email` option. If a `Send sms option is selectd, select a carrier option.
2022-06-20 - Auto Pop
What: Function designed to automatically populate forms with data from previous submissions.
Why: Saves your clients lots of typing by providing access to data, they have submitted through this form in the past.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, click the menu icon next to the `Add New Items` button, choose `Auto Pop` then follow instruction.
2022-05-28 - Split Entry
What: Function designed to allow multiple remote clients the ability to enter data, on the same form, before the final submission.
Why: Allows you to create forms where several different parties are required to provide input.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, click the menu icon next to the `Add New Items` button, choose `Split Entry` then follow instruction.
2019-12-15 - Trash Folder
What: The long overdue `Trash Folder` is now available on the `Form Responses Inbox` page.
Why: Prevents you from accidentally deleting important transactions from your inbox. After deleting a transaction from your inbox, you are given a chance to restore the transaction. When you go to the `Trash Folder`, you have the option to purge(permanently remove) the transaction or restore it by moving it back to the inbox.
How: NO ACTION NECESSARY! This upgrade has already been implemented.
2019-11-18 - Increased Storage Limits
What: The number of transactions you`re able to store on Elbowspace.com has increased 4 fold.
Why: Allows you to use the Elbowspace.com cloud to store, process and search more of your form responses data. For example: The basic package storage limit has increased from 1000 to 4000 transactions per form. The file upload storage limit has also increased 4 fold. See All Package Limits This is a free upgrade, no additional charges will be incurred.
How: NO ACTION NECESSARY! This upgrade has already been implemented.
2019-11-07 - Increase Form Item Limit
What: The `Form Item Limit` is the maximum number of fields & other items allowed on any one form. Increase that limit from 300 to 700.
Why: Allows you to create larger more comprehensive forms for selling items, taking appplications and/or collecting the info you require of your clients. When you click the `Item Limit Upgrade` link, the `Form Item Limit` will increase from 300 to 700 along with the `Self-Totaling Line Limit` increasing from 70 to 175. This is a free upgrade, no additional charges will be incurred.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Miscellaneous Form Settings under the same menu. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the `Item Limit Upgrade 700`.
2019-10-27 - Product Import
What: Import your list of products & prices, from a csv or text file, that will show as self-totaling lines on your form.
Why: Allows you to start selling products immediately by having the ability to load products for sale onto your form from an existing spreadsheet, or copy and paste from any document you have available.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, click the menu icon next to the `Add New Items` button, choose `Product Import` then import your file.
2019-10-08 - Stripe Payment Interface
What: In addition to Authorize.net & PayPal you may now interface your Elbowspace forms with Stripe online payments.
Why: Stripe allows the automation of payment processing in a very seemless, transparent and PCI compliant way. Your customer will be redirected to a Stripe page (to enter credit card info), without realizing they have left your site. Only Stripe will have access to this credit card info, keeping your process PCI compliant.
How: Click the External Interface tab located on the menu bar. Then click Stripe Interface Settings under the same menu. Next, go to Stripe.com and register a business account. Form the Dashboard page copy the `Publishable key` & `Secret key` and paste them both into the Elbowspace.com `Stripe Interface Settings` page respectively.
2019-07-31 - Page Min/Max Limits
What: Will restrict a form from being submitted: if the amount entered/chosen does not fall between the minimum and/or maximum amount, for a field, defined by you.
Why: Allows forms to specify an upper and/or lower limit on any field that: a) has a numeric edit b) is a calculated field or c) is one of the following self-totaling components: 1) line qty 2) line amount 3) sub total 4) grand total.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, edit any self-totaling line, numeric or calculated field. Click the Edit Limit button.
2018-05-27 - Date Calcs-No. of Days
What: Calculate the number of days between 2 dates.
Why: Use our spreadsheet style calcs to find the difference (in days) between 2 dates.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, edit any text field and click the `Calculations` tab. If the minus sign is used (substraction) and the two fields on both sides of the minus sign are text fields (with `valid date` or `date/time` edits), then that portion of the calculation will yield the answer in days.
2017-07-25 - Max Quantity Fix
What: Max Quantity, related to self-totaling lines, now applies to forms that specify `quantity text box` along with `quantity selection box`.
Why: Allows forms that specify `quantity text box` to provide an upper limit on the number of items pruchased.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, edit any self-totaling product line on the form and change max quantity. Blank out max quantity for unlimited purchases.
2017-06-15 - Field Size
What: Change the size of all of the fields on your form, without changing their font size.
Why: Use the `Page Format` level `Field Size` function to add padding to all fields on the page.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, click the `Page Format` button. Then: `Fields & Labels` and `Field Size(padding)`. Select the appropriate number of pixels for top, right, left & bottom padding. The standard is to keep these parms symmetrical.
2017-04-27 - Client Email Reminder
What: Send your clients email reminders 24 hours, 48 hours and/or 1 week prior to an appointment/event.
Why: When you have scheduled events, appointments and/or reservations, you can now automatically remind your clients in advance. This courtesy will help minimize missed appointments/events/reservations.
How: Click the Notifications tab located on the menu bar. Then click Client Email Reminder under the same menu. Fill in the page and click update at the bottom.
2017-03-11 - Appointment Scheduling
What: Define appointment time slots that become unavailable as your clients make selections.
Why: Eliminate the need for the manual scheduling of appointments. When your client selects an appointment date & time, they know, with confidence, that you will be available because the time slot was defined by you. There will be no need to contact your clients to confirm appointments.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, click `Appointment Time Slots` located on the top-right portion of the page.
2017-01-20 - Bulk Conditions
What: Apply conditional field logic to more than one field at a time.
Why: Conditional logic allows fields to appear & disappear based on the answer to another field (trigger). Bulk conditions allows the assignment of that trigger to multiple fields at one time. Removal of multiple conditions is also allowed. This is a great time saving function.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, edit any field on the form and click the `Conditional` tab. Then click the `Bulk Conditions` button.
2016-11-27 - New Form Responses Option
What: Receive your form responses by email and simultaneously store that info on our databases.
Why: Allows for second way to receive your form responses, along with creating a backup copy. This option is only available to forms with a standard subscription & above.
How: Click the My Form Responses tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Responses Settings under the same menu. Next, check 4. I would like all of my client data sent to me via e-mail and stored on the databases..
2016-11-13 - Full Page Options
What: You now have a choice of full page formats for form responses. Same format as the `thank you page`.
Why: This allows you a choice of viewing your form responses in the original form that was submitted.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Miscellaneous Form Settings under the same menu. Next, check the button labeled `Form Results using Original Form` under the `Full Page Options` section.
2016-11-10 - Form Responses Images
What: This function allows you to remove images, comments and/or subheadings from the `Full Page` form responses page.
Why: This allows for a more compressed & readable form responses `Full Page` report.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Miscellaneous Form Settings under the same menu. Next, check the box labeled `Skip Imbedded Images`, `Skip Comments`, and/or `Skip Subtitles` as needed.
2016-10-08 - Date/Time Edit Calendar/Clock
What: This function forces the user to enter a valid date/time in the standard format of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mmAM (e.g. 11/11/2016 12:00AM). Also, an option to use a calendar & digital clock (to help choose a valid date/time) will appear to the right of the time text field.
Why: Date/time fields are perfect for appointment scheduling, allowing the date & time to reside in one field. This addition also allows for the standardization of date/time entries in your form responses data, and ease of entry using the calendar & digital clock.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, add or edit a `Text Field`. Under `Edits` (the right-most column of the dialog box), choose Date/Time`.
2016-09-26 - Time Edit/Digital Clock
What: This function forces the user to enter a valid time in the standard time format of hh:mmAM (e.g. 12:00AM). Also, an option to use a digital clock (to help choose a valid time) will appear to the right of the time text field.
Why: Allows for standardization of time entires in your form responses data and ease of entry using the digital clock.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Next, add or edit a `Text Field`. Under `Edits` (the right-most column of the dialog box), choose Valid Time`.
2016-02-27 - Inbox Mobile Format
What: Automatically detect a mobile device and format the inbox & full page to fit
Why: Allows for more readability of your form responses, on your small screen mobile devices.
How: Click the My Form Responses tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Responses Settings under the same menu. Next, check Form Responses Mobile Format Auto-Detect.
2016-02-13 - Inbox Folders
What: Separate and/or categorize your form responses, into folders of your choosing.
Why: Allows for faster/easier retrieval of your form responses data.
How: Click the My Form Responses tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Responses Inbox under the same menu. Next, click on the Create/Delete a folder link.
2016-02-03 - Landing Page Choice
What: will allow you to choose the page that will display immediately after login.
Why: Going directly to your global inbox or to the inbox of a specific form, immediately after login, will save time.
How: Click the User Accounts tab located on the menu bar. Next, choose the `Landing Page` at the bottom of the page.
2015-11-29 - Add Link Directory
What: will allow you to incorporate a personal directory into the web address of the form link.
Why: Add a directory to indentify your company, product, service or anything you desire, from the web address of your form.
How: Click the Integration tab located on the menu bar. Then click Hosting/Link Options under the same menu. Next, add your directory to the `Directory:` field and click `Add/Change Directory`.
2015-09-02 - Highlighted Box Radio Buttons
What: Select an item by clicking and highlighting it`s entire description, instead of having to click on a small radio button circle.
Why: Gives the customer a much larger selection target, while enhancing the readability of the form. Because fingers have a hard time selecting small radio button circles, this option is perfect for mobile processing.
How: Click `Edit` or `Add New Items` for any `Radio Button` on the `Form Editor`; then select either `Highlighted Box` or `Highlighted Oval` in the `Button Type` section and click `Apply`.
2015-07-11 - On-page Shopping Cart
What: When Page Cart is chosen, the self-totaling function happens within an interactive pop-up box displayed right on top of the page.
Why: Gives the customer the ability to choose unlimted products from one drop-down box, eliminating the need for duplicate product lines. Also gives the customer greater visualization of their entire order. All self-totaling product fields now have `Add to Cart` buttons and all totals, taxes, coupons & discounts are displayed inside the pop-up shopping cart.
How: Click the `Add New Items` button on the `Form Editor`; then choose `Yes` next to `Page Cart` and click `Update`.
2015-06-27 - Coupon Codes
What: Define coupon codes, along with their corresponding price/rate, to allow select customers a discount.
Why: Greater incentive flexibility in marketing products, using your Self-totaling forms.
How: Click the `Add New Items` button on the `Form Editor`; then click `Coupon Codes`.
2015-04-25 - Columns To Display
What: You now have the ability to select exactly which columns will display on the Form Responses Inbox and the Form Responses Download.
Why: Greater flexibility in creating reports with information customized to your needs.
How: Go to the `Form Responses Inbox` or the `Form Responses download` page and click the green `Columns To Display` button.
2015-04-08 - Side by side Images
What: Multiple columns of imbedded images are now allowed. Define your own columns and/or horizontal space for images.
Why: Greater flexibility in creating different forms styles.
How: Make sure the Field Positioning is either `Side-by-Side Label Free Style` or `Top-to-Bottom Label`. Go to the `Form Editor` page. The `Form Editor` is located under the `My Forms` tab. Next simply Cut one image and Paste it next to another.
2015-03-20 - Side Label Free Style
What: Multiple columns with the label on the side(left), are now allowed. Define your own columns and/or horizontal space.
Why: Greater flexibility in creating different forms styles quickly and efficiently.
How: Click the Field Positioning button located in the center/top portion of the `Form Editor` page. The `Form Editor` is located under the `My Forms` tab. Select option `Side-by-Side Label Free Style`.
2015-03-12 - Form Converter Calcs
What: Add calculations that compute values, in realtime, to any text field on your `Form Converter` form.
Why: Finally `Form Converter` forms now have the same `spreadsheet style calcs` function that it`s `Form Creator` cousin has had for some time.
How: Click the No Calculation Manage link located under the `Field Edits` column of the `Batch Field Edits` page. `Batch Field Edits` is located under the `My Forms` tab. No need to reconvert the form.
2014-11-21 - Date/Time Form Inactivation
What: Date/Time Form Inactivation, will allow you to inactivate or activate, any form, at a specific date & time of your choosing.
Why: Save time by automatically turning forms on and off.
How: Click the Manage link located under the `Active/Inactive Status` column of the `All My Forms` page.
2014-11-14 - Global Advanced Search
What: Global Advanced Search, will allow you to qualify records (across different forms), to be displayed, with your own search criteria.
Why: More flexibility in producing custom global (multiple form) form responses.
How: Click the My Form Responses tab located on the menu bar. Then click Global Form Responses Inbox under the same menu. Next, click on the Advanced Global Search link.
2014-10-20 - Self-Totaling Fixed Shipping Amount
What: In addtion to percentages, this change will allow a fixed amount addtion.
Why: Allows more flexibility in the creation of you Self-Totaling shopping carts.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Click the `Add New Item` button, then click the `Misc Addtion` button. Make sure to select `Fixed Value` vs `Percentage Rate` when creating this new item. The `Fixed Value` can also be selected while editing an existing item.
2014-10-13 - Self-Totaling Calc Verification
What: Self-Totaling calculations are now verified on the server side in addition to Javascript verifications.
Why: Prevention of any html tampering and/or any mismatch in calculations, after submission.
How: No action necessary. This change is automatic and transparent to the user.
2014-07-16 - Conditional Self-Totaling Fields
What: Self-Totaling fields can now appear or disappear based on the field/entry (question/answer) of your choice.
Why: Allows for the display of information that is relevant to each individual client.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu. Edit/Add any self-totaling field, then click the Conditional tab.
2014-06-21 - New WYSIWYG Form Editor
What: Our form editor has been rewritten for ease of use; better looking forms; and more functionality.
Why: Allows for the quick & easy development of forms along with a multitude of new and improved looks & functions.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Editor under the same menu.
2014-04-12 - Heart Bleed Bug
What: Since Elbowspace.com has always used JSSE, it is not vulnerable to the Heart Bleed Bug.
Why: JSSE does not use Open SSL, which is the technology that can be breached by the bug.
How: No action required.
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