Tell us about your child:
Today's Date: Child's Home Phone:
Social Security: Birth Date: Age:
Name: Nickname:
Male Female School: Grade:
Child's Address:
City: State: Zip:
Who is accompanying the child today?
Name: Relation:
Do you have legal custody of this child? Yes No Is the child adopted? Yes No
Is the child in a foster home? Yes No
Whom may we thank for referring you?
Neighbor or relative not living with you: Name: Relation: Home Phone: Work Phone: Address:
Neighbor or relative not living with you:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Parent's Information:
Marital Status: Married Divorced Widowed Separated Remarried Single
Mother Stepmother Guardian
Name: Home Ph: Work Ph:
Birth Date: Social Sec.#: Driver's Lic.#:
Employer: Length of Employment:
Father Stepfather Guardian
Person responsible for account:
Social Security: Drivers License:
Billing Address:
Home Ph: Work Ph: Employer:
Who is responsible for making appointments?
Insurance Coverage:
Primary Medical Coverage Dental Coverage Orthodontic Coverage
Insurance Company: Insurance Phone:
Insurance Address: Group#:
Policy Owner's Name:
Policy Owner's Employer:
Work Address:
Relation to patient:
Policy Owner's SS#:
Policy Owner's Birthdate: