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Publication Contest Entry Form (SA)
Deadline: February 1

Use the tab key or mouse to move between answer fields. Using the Enter key will submit your form.
*Email address of person submitting this formValid email required
Your confirmation email and further instructions will be sent to this email.
Publication Information
*Competition Level
Division entered
Title of Essay
1st sentence of essay
Word Count (including title)
Student Information
Is this student participating in Ensemble or Performance?
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email (parent`s or student`s)
School Grade
Teacher Information
Zip Code
Phone Number
Local Publication Chair
Zip Code
Phone number
Local Level Instructions
If you are entering on the Local Level, please DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM. You only will need to submit the form when the article is submitted to state after local judging.

Instead, PRINT this form.

Individual teachers who are submitting their students` publications locally will need to print the form confirmation and deliver it and the publication materials to their local chair along with the correct entry fee.
State Level Instructions
Only state level entries should be submitted on this form using the Submit button below.

Upon successful submission of this form you will receive an email confirmation sent to the first email address above. This confirmation email includes the mailing address for your publication entries within the body of the email. If you do not see a confirmation email, look in your spam or junk folder.

A file will be attached to the confirmation email that includes the form information you submitted. You may open or save the file. This is your confirmation page. Please retain this file for your records.

Follow the appropriate instructions below to complete your registration.

If you are submitting multiple entries, submit your form and then use the back arrow on your browser to return to the form.

Local chairs should gather all publications selected for further adjudication and mail them to the COORDINATOR, not to the office. A registration form must be submitted for each publication mailed. Check your confirmation email for the correct mailing address.
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