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President-Elect Candidate Suggestion Form
Use the tab key or mouse to move between answer fields. Using the Enter key will submit your form.
Deadline for form and supporting materials: November 1

PO Box 831730
Richardson, TX 75083-1730

Email: texasmta@tmta.org
Submitting a name for consideration does not automatically name this person as a candidate. The recommendation shall be presented to the TMTA Nominations and Elections Chair according to procedures specified by the TMTA Bylaws and the TMTA Policies and Procedures.
*E-Mail of person submitting form
Any candidate must fulfill the following requirements:

Must be a member of MTNA and TMTA in good standing.

Shall have served a complete term as one of the following: VPSA, VPBA, Director or Coordinator.

Shall consent to accept all Officer and Board of Directors duties as described in the TMTA Bylaws.
Candidate Information
Zip Code
Phone Number
EmailValid email is required
Additional Association Memberships
Select all positions which you have held. Add other positions in the text area below the check boxes.
Other TMTA Positions Held
Additional Supporting Documents Required
Photograph (not photocopy). If emailed, send in jpg format, 300dpi.

Brief, one-page biography of education, experience, affiliation, and any other pertinent information.

Incomplete applications or exceeding the one page limit will not be accepted.

Mailing address and e-mail address appear at the top of this form.
The nominee must have consented to the submission of his/her name prior to submission of this form.

The nominee must have read the requirements for this position prior to submission of this form.

By selecting the first option below, the person submitting this form agrees that these conditions have been fulfilled.
Authorization Approval
The nominee has consented to the nomination.
The nominee has not consented to the nomination.

Nominated by
Nominating Association`s President
Nominating President`s EmailValid email is required
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