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What's New Blog (cont)

2010-08-08 - Page Password Protection
What: The ability to protect your form pages is now available. After invoking this feature, your users will receive a password prompt instead of the actual form, when the form is invoked.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to give their users exclusive access to their forms.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Miscellaneous Forms Setting under the same menu. Next, click the `Password Protection` link located in the first slot.
2010-07-27 - Custom Uploadable Verification Page
What: Create your own custom verification page by simply typing in (or cutting & pasting) the HTML code into the `Verification Page HTML` box.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to give their customers a custom review of the transaction, before they submit.
How: Click the Integration tab located on the menu bar. Then click Verification Page settings under the same menu. Next, click `Upload Custom Page`.
2010-07-20 - Custom Thank You Page Detail
What: Create your own custom thank you by simply typing in (or cutting & pasting) the HTML code into the `Thank You Page HTML` box. We have also added the `Add Our HTML Default Page` button. Clicking this button will generate generic form HTML that comes complete with every field ID (e.g. ####12) on the form, included.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to give their customer a custom/printable/real-time receipt of the transaction.
How: Click the Integration tab located on the menu bar. Then click Thank You Page settings under the same menu. Next, click `Upload Custom Page`.
2010-07-15 - Size and Maxlength Extension
What: Text fields now have the ability to reach sizes of up to 250 characters. In the past 70 was the max.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to allow their customers a larger answer.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click the Edit link under any text field. `Average # of Characters` and `Maximum # of Characters` now allow a value of up to 250.
2010-07-10 - Thank You Page Transaction Detail
What: Our default `Thank You` page now has form results detail appended to the bottom of the page. In the past, only a few select words & links would appear on the page to communicate a successful transaction.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to give their customer a printable/real-time receipt of the transaction.
How: Click the Integration tab located on the menu bar. Then click Thank You Page settings under the same menu. Next, choose `2. I would like Elbowspace to provide a default thank you page`. To Finish, click `Update & Continue`.
2010-07-09 - Form Border Background Image
What: Many members use our `Form Border` feature to add style to their forms. In the past, the background of the `Form Border` was a fixed gray color. Now, you can upload an image to represent the `Form Border` background.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to make their forms more customizable.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Images under the same menu. Next, choose [Background Image] from the `Image Position` drop down box and click `Browse` to choose the background image from your own computer. To Finish, click `Update Image`.
2010-06-28 - Form Border Background Color
What: Many members use our `Form Border` feature to add style to their forms. In the past, the background color of the `Form Border` was a fixed gray. Now, the `Form Border` background color is fully modifiable.
Why: Several of our members requested this feature to make their forms more customizable.
How: Click the My Forms tab located on the menu bar. Then click Form Colors under the same menu. Next, drag any color over to the gray section on the far left-hand side of the form area.
2010-06-15 - Customized Full Page Report
What: The `Full Page Report` can now be customized to meet your needs. Change fonts, font sizes, bold, underline & italics. Removing items completely from the report and also move items around on the report.
Why: This enhancement was made in response to requests for more flexibility in our reporting format, by our members.
How: Click on the My Form Results tab of the menu bar; then click the Customize Full Page Report tab (also located on the menu bar).
2010-06-12 - Full Page Report Navigation
What: The `Full Page Report` will now have a Left Arrow and a Right Arrow at the top of every page to allow navigation to and from the next and previous transactions, without having to bounce back to the `Form Results Report`.
Why: This modification was added to help increase productivity and reduce keystrokes when navigating through `Full Page` reports.
How: The `Full Page Report` can be found by clicking the My Form Results tab of the menu bar; then clicking the Full Page link (located on the far left-hand side of the page) for the desired transaction.
2010-05-08 - Spreadsheet Style Calculations
What: `Spreadsheet Style Calculations` are now allowed on any field. These calcs are in addition to our `Self-Totaling lines` and are not restricted to sales calculations. Total up any set of fields on your form; take a percentage of another; and divide a third by 5, are some examples of the powerful uses of our spreadsheet style calculations. Enter these calculation formulas in virtually the same manner as some popular spreadsheet programs. The answer to the formula must reside in a text field; however, the operands can be text fields, radio buttons, drop down boxes & check boxes.
Why: This addition of mathematical functions to any form makes it more valuable.
How: From the Form Editor page, click on the Edit Item link of the field receiving the condition. Next, click the checkbox labeled Calculation. A new section will appear, prompting you to set up the appropriate calculation.
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